Mullverse Wiki

Tanugatoa Dufu, or Tanu, as he is called, is a large Samoan who is introduced to Kendra and Seth as a master at potions.


Tanu in a Gaseous state


Rise of the Evening Star

He was brought in to help recover the artifact from Fablehaven in the second book with Coulter Dixon and Vanessa Santoro. To demonstrate his potions abilities, he gives Seth a mild fear potion and Kendra a mild shame potion when he was introducing them to his work. When Vanessa is revealed as a traitor, she knocks Tanu unconscious so that she can gain control over him. She then uses him to help capture Grandma and Grandpa, and later sends him into the grove where the revenant lives. He is turned albino just as Warren and Coulter were. After Seth defeated the revenant, and Tanu is healed, he goes to the Inverted Tower just as Warren and Vanessa were about to be defeated by the artifact guardian. Tanu takes his enlarger potion and battles the cat-like beast, killing it. He sustained serious injuries, but was healed by the recharged artifact.

Grip of the Shadow Plague

In book 3 he attempts to rescue Maddox from the preserve in Brazil, but fails. He is bitten by a darkened Satyr, Newel, during a fight and he turns into a shadowman. He can only be seen by Seth when he in this form possibly because Seth has dark marks left by the nail from the revenant. Seth learns that Tanu can only talk to him when the sun is setting because when in his shadow form, Tanu is burned by the light. Coutler soon joins Tanu becoming a shadow. Once the Shadow Plague is destroyed, he returns to normal.

Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

In book 4 Tanu is seen more as a healer in this book. He somewhat healed Warren in the knapsack. Under Vanessa's control, he slew Glommus, a sleep-infusing dragon, inside the Dragon Temple.


  • emotions(ex, fear,courage etc.)
  • shrinking potion
  • enlarging potions
  • healing
  • energy booster
  • gaseous